Exploring Better Sleep, And The Best Mattress 2022 Has to Offer

Asya Fatima Abdulwajid

Dec 26 2021

With a fresh new year ahead of us, it’s time to get our New Year’s resolutions in order. A new year means fresh new opportunities to meet our goals and improve our personal lives.

If you’re looking to live a healthier, happier life, your resolutions might include exercising more, eating healthier, and sleeping better. Getting better sleep doesn’t just make it easier to wake up in the morning – it also increases the quality of your life.

And here are a few ways that better sleep can change your life:

Sleeping better can improve your immune function

No one likes getting sick, but fending off colds and other illnesses isn’t easy. However, improving your immune function reduces your risk of falling ill, and helps you recover quicker. And one of the best ways to strengthen your immune system is by sleeping better.

Studies have shown even small disruptions in your sleep can impair immune function, so getting a good 8 hours of sleep helps fight off the common cold.

Make sure you’re sleeping well, and if you feel under the weather, sleep some more!

Christmas day family sitting on mattress

Good sleep improves your workflow

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic rapidly disrupted working life, increasing our stress levels and making it difficult to maintain productivity. If you’ve been feeling fatigued at work, are having trouble concentrating, or are making more mistakes, you’re not alone.

But, we can take steps to improve our productivity and lower stress levels. And sleeping better is one of the best ways to achieve these goals.

Sleeping more, and improving the quality of your sleep, can:

But how much sleep is ‘good’? Well, according to the National Sleep Foundation, adults need around 7-9 hours of sleep!

Sleeping better helps improve your relationships and family life

Sleep deprivation causes fatigue, irritability, and increased stress. And while it’s tough dealing with these challenges on your own, they can also take a negative toll on your relationships.

When we’re tired, it’s difficult to give our loved ones our time and attention. And, unfortunately, sleep deprivation makes us more irritable around them, too. So, sleeping more and better is vital to improving relationships with our loved ones. You’ll be more attentive and have more energy to spend time with them!

3 Quick tips to improve your sleep

Unfortunately, we can’t flip a switch to achieve better sleep. Even if you decide to sleep more, you might still struggle to fall asleep on time, or to stay asleep. So, to achieve better sleep, it might be time to make some lifestyle changes.

To upgrade your sleep experience, you could consider adopting a better sleep schedule, improving your sleep environment, or getting yourself the best mattress 2022 has to offer. So let’s take a look at some tips for improving your sleep in 2022.

Tip 1 – Reduce your blue light exposure

Blue light is one of the six colors that make up white light, which we’re regularly exposed to from the sun. But, we’re regularly exposed to artificial blue light throughout the day (and night), through smartphone screens, LED TVs, desktop monitors, and other devices.

Unfortunately, exposure to blue light after hours can mess up your sleep cycle significantly. Blue light tells your body that it’s time to be ‘awake’, and consistent exposure to it disrupts melatonin production. Melatonin is a hormone that regulates sleep, so disruptions can mess up your sleep cycle!

So, you can improve your sleep by reducing blue light exposure come nighttime. Consider putting your devices and screens aside a few hours before bedtime, and let yourself wind down.

Tip 2 – Create a sleep environment

Don’t sleep where you work, and don’t work where you sleep!

Remote work blurred the lines between professional settings and comfort zones, and the phrase “work from the comfort of your own home” turned out to be trickier than we imagined.

When it comes to sleeping, your body needs to know it’s time to sleep. But how do you let your body know it’s time to hit the hay? By getting into the right sleep environment!

Get yourself into your pajamas and into bed before it’s time to sleep, and take some time to wind down. A pre-sleep routine helps out here – whether you lie in bed reading a book or have a night-time skincare routine – try finding a way to tell your body it’s bedtime.

Tip 3 – Upgrade your mattress

Speaking of creating a good sleeping environment, your mattress significantly affects the quality of sleep you receive, for better or worse. An unfit mattress might not provide enough support, be too firm, trap too much heat, or even cause back pain.

But the right mattress encourages better sleep and makes sure you wake up feeling refreshed. It offers optimal support and the firmness is tailored to your individual needs.

Couple enjoying mattress on new year

Plus, with the new year coming up, leading sleep brands have generous sales on. So you can grab the perfect mattress for your sleep needs. Here’s a quick rundown of sales for the best mattress 2022 has to offer:

Saatva’s Buy More, Save More Sale

Saatva is a leading sleep brand best known for its high-quality, affordable hybrid mattresses. As we near 2022, Saatva is offering buyers great discounts that get even better if you spend more. If you spend between $1000-$2000, Saatva’s flat $200 discount applies to your order. And if you spend more than $2000, the discount increases to $300.

Nectar’s Sale

Known for its industry-leading Forever Warranty and flagship mattress, Nectar is another excellent brand with one of the best sales. They’re offering a flat $100 off your order with an additional $399 worth of sleep accessories included. So you can get yourself the best mattress 2022 has to offer!

DreamCloud’s Sale

DreamCloud is Nectar’s daughter brand that specializes in hybrid mattresses, and their end-of-year sale is even more generous than Nectar’s. You’ll get a flat $200 off with $399 worth of accessories included. So if you’re in need of a comfortable, durable hybrid bed, DreamCloud’s sale present the perfect opportunity to buy the best mattress 2022 offers.

Make Your New Year’s Resolution to Sleep Better

As we head into the new year, one of the best ways to improve your lifestyle is to get better sleep. This might entail reducing your blue light exposure, creating a dedicated sleep environment, or buying the best mattress 2022 has to offer.

Sleeping better improves our productivity, helps us maintain healthier relationships, and keeps our stress levels at bay. So make sure sleeping better makes it to your New Year’s resolution list!

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